With fun and social interaction as its objectives, Sustainable Tastes explores the practice of organic, biodynamic and ethical production when applied to cheese and wine, and what each means for taste as well as our wellbeing.
During the event, guests distinguish between: intensive and low impact, organic and non-organic and raw and processed milk in and range of cheeses, as well as: organic vs. non-organic, biodynamic vs. non-biodynamic and sustainable vs. unsustainable in world wines.
The tasting is informed by Francis' book, Gimblett’s Guide to the Best of British Cheese, as well as experiences whilst making cheese for Gimblett Cheese, and thirty years of wine travel and wine writing.
The event is designed to maximise interaction between guests and the tasting challenge is based on a process of elimination, making it suitable for all. Guests can pose questions, take part in quick-fire quizzes and win prizes.
Suitable for: Live / Live Online / Video Packs